Arthur's Library Card

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

#20: YouTube, TeacherTube and Zamzar

I have spent entirely too much time on YouTube and TeacherTube. Watching silly videos can keep one at the computer late into the night. I see uses for teachers, but we all must be very careful as to what we download. Watch the complete selection before letting students see it. I found a library video on another 23Things blog and towards the beginning profanity is used. We elementary librarians and teachers cannot forget to preview.

I chose a video from Y0uTube about Marc Brown's Arthur getting his library card. This will be good to show students at the beginning of September for National Library Card Month.

From TeacherTube I found a variety od videos for the library and for the first grace teachers that have asked for a video on American symbols. Since there are 5 of them I will just list and link them for you.
  1. Elementary Library Orientation
  2. Genre by Hannah and Damian and Alan
  3. How to find a book in the library
  4. How to Enter a Classroom and Avoid Having your Teacher Turn into a Mutant Freak
  5. American Symbols Photo Story

I haven't figured out Zamzar yet, but I'm sure in due time this too will come with ease.

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